St. Paul's Preschool

1221 Wass Street · Tustin, California 92780
About Us​: Our Staff

Staff at St. Paul's Preschool
Back Row Left to Right: Giselle Arroyo, Joanne Bachtelle, Mary-Kate Bennett, Trish Delagardelle, Pam Christenson, Anne Leslie, Diana Ngo-Vuong, Ann Vitarella, Marissa Gillaspy
Front Row Left to Right: Angie Gunson, Julie Salerno, Gail Forbes, Meghan Huffman
“Growing community through nature; environments and interpersonal relationships. We cultivate a rich, nourishing environment that feeds the mind, body and soul. Through conscious observation, listening and mindful engagement we support the growth and development of each child. We wonder how each child’s experiences at St. Paul’s will impact them as lifelong learners and members of the community.”