St. Paul's Preschool

1221 Wass Street · Tustin, California 92780
It is our desire to offer the preschool age child an educational environment and an opportunity outside the home to develop a creative, constructive attitude toward themselves, others, and the world. The preschool is open for enrollment to all children of preschool age, regardless of race, creed, religion, color, sex, or place of birth. To be eligible the child needs to be 2 years of age by December 31st of the current school year.
To offer a time for Mother/Father (or other significant adult) and child to enjoy being together.
To provide a positive first school experience in a structured, age appropriate environment.
To provide a support group –a chance for parents to discuss the common challenges and joys of parenting toddlers.
A time for children to interact and for parents to observe their children.
To develop language acquisition.
To provide an opportunity for your child to begin to learn about sharing with others and develop empathy.
To help develop a positive self image for the child through a relaxed and encouraging environment.
To create a stimulating environment for new experiences.
A time to share ideas and hints for making parenting easier and more enriching.
To have FUN!
St. Paul’s Parent and Me program offers an age appropriate experience for children two years of age one day per week (either on Tuesday or Thursday) for one hour and 30 minutes per class session. We offer a morning session that begins at 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. with the second session beginning at 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. The class structure is such that it gives the child a typical preschool experience in a bite size time frame. During a typical class session your child will be exposed to various activities:
Playground Time is structured to develop their gross motor development and motor planning.
Circle Time is introduced to increase their attention span and encourage group participation. It also exposes the child to respond to simple directions, uses oral language and builds self confidence and the ability to express themselves, recall songs, stories etc.
Toileting Time (although children do not need to be potty trained to participate in this program) this activity teaches simply hygiene and self-help skills.
Snack Time gives the child a chance to learn cooperation, waiting for a turn and socialization.
Art/ Free-Flow Time Children are exposed to a variety of simple media. They will be able to make choices, decisions and solve problems. Develop eye-hand coordination and use their 5 senses to gain information about the environment.
TUITION (2025 - 2026)
The annual fee for the Parent and Me Program is $1,450.00 or $145.00 per month. Payments need to be turned into the school office or sent electronically by the first week of each month. Tuition received after the 10th of any month will be considered late and subject to a $10.00 late fee charge. Checks should be made out to St. Paul’s Preschool. If you are unable to continue attending we request that you give the school office a 30 day notice.
Parent and Me Program
Tuesday OR Thursday 2 year olds