St. Paul's Preschool

1221 Wass Street · Tustin, California 92780
Extra Activities: Motor Lab
Motor Labs weekly update:
St. Paul's offers a gross motor lab for all four and five year old students. The skills that children work on are based on brain development and aid the child in attaining readiness goals. Children should wear tennis shoes. Those with long hair should have it tied back into a pony tail and girls should not wear dresses on motor lab days. Our motor lab program is offered on Fridays for our M/W/F and 5 Day students. To see the valuable development that is taking place please read the numbered Developmental Skill Checklist list below each activity.
Please remember to send your child in tennis shoes!
September 13th
STATION 1: Rope Walk #1 #10 #16
STATION 2: Bear Crawl #11
STATION 3: Jump Box #1 #7 #9
STATION 4: Ball Catch #8 #12
Skills: Balance; Directionality; Coordination; Foot-eye-coordination; Hand/Eye Coordination; Gross Motor Coordination
Tactile Awareness; Laterality; Locomotor Kinesthesis; Sustained Movements; Visual - Motor Control
1. Balance The ability to assume and maintain any body position against the force of gravity. Maintenance of balance results from the interaction of the muscles working to keep the body on its base.
2. Body Image This concept involves the knowledge of:
A. The physical structure of the body and its parts.
B. The movements and functions of the body and its parts.
C. the position of the body and its parts in relation to each other and to other objects.
3. Coordination The ability of the body to integrate the action of the muscles of the body to accomplish a specific movement or a series of skilled movements in the most efficient manner.
4. Directionality An awareness of directions in relation to right and left; in / out; up / down etc.
5. Fine Motor Coordination The coordinated use of small muscles resulting from the development of the muscles to the degree that they can perform specific small movements such as cutting, grasping, writing etc.
6. Foot-eye-coordination The ability to use eyes and feet together to accomplish a task.
7. Gross Motor Coordination The development of the large muscles to produce efficient total body movement.
8. Hand-eye coordination The ability to use eyes and hands together to accomplish a task.
9. Kinesthesis The awareness of muscular movement and expenditure of energy during the performance of a skill.
10. Laterality Is the ability to control the 2 sides of the body together or separately.
Bilateral Is movement that uses both sides of the body in simultaneous or parallel movement.
Cross Lateral Simultaneous movement of the opposite sides of the body (example right arm and left leg moving together).
Unilateral Movement isolating one side of the body.
11. Locomotor Skills Include those movements that permit the child to move about in some manner, such as jumping, hopping, running, and climbing.
12. Ocular Pursuit The ability of the eyes to work together in following (tracking) a moving object or in focusing from one object to another.
13. Perceptual - Motor Skills Those skills which indicate the interrelationships between the perceptual or sensory processes and motor activity and the ability of the individual to receive, interpret and respond accurately to stimuli, either internal or external. Perceptual-Motor learning involves all senses and is also known as "Sensory -Motor Skills and / or Psycho-Motor Skills.
14. Spatial Orientation This involves the ability to select a reference point to stabilize functions and to organize object into correct perspective. It involves knowledge of the body and its position, as well as the positions of other people and object in relation to one's body in space.
15. Sustained Movements Motor skills executed consecutively for a number of times or continued for an interval of time.
16. Visual - Motor Control Refers to the ability to successfully integrate visual and motor responses into a physical action. It enables an individual to control movement, and move easily and smoothly from place to place.