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Our policy

We always encourage you, the parent, to become involved in the many aspects of our preschool operation. Whenever you visit; volunteer or simply come on the campus you need to check in at the school office first and sign in our visitor log. You will then be given an identification badge to wear during your visit. Please be sure to return to the office and sign out when you leave.

It is our desire to include parents in our program on a regular basis. Our main goal is for you to volunteer on a typical day (as opposed to only holidays, birthdays or other special events). We want you to observe your child’s involvement and learning throughout the domains mentioned previously (See School Philosophy). Please talk with your classroom teacher for more information.

St. Paul’s requires that every family volunteer 2 hours of time during the school year.


Pandemic Policy > DOWNLOAD

Cleaning and Disinfecting Policy > DOWNLOAD


St. Paul’s Preschool Parent Handbook >

About our Payment schedule

Our preschool has an annual (not monthly) tuition which we divide into ten equal payments, due August through May. Accordingly, the August tuition is not for the 2-½ weeks of August, but rather for 1/10 of the school year. When you registered your child, you paid one tuition payment along with a registration fee. This tuition has been credited to your August 2021 fee. Therefore, we will be asking you to make your September payment the first week of the month.

Thank you!


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